How to Choose the Perfect Pocket Square for a Black Suit

For those of you who are wondering what a pocket square is. A  pocket square is a beautiful square of cloth that fits into the breast pocket of a jacket or blazer to add flair to your outfit.

A pocket square can make or break an outfit. While you don't have to be a rocket scientist to pull it off, there's an art to carrying a pocket square correctly so that it matches and enhances the rest of your outfit while still standing out enough to capture the attention.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know to choose the right pocket square for black suit, and confidently pull off a square pocket square  no matter the occasion.

Basics of Colour Theory

For an outfit to look decent, the colors must coordinate.

This applies to your pocket square, all other items of apparel, as well as your skin and hair color. Remember that the fundamental goal of dressing effectively is to draw attention to your face characteristics, and the pocket square can be an attractive method to do just that.

This means that the pocket square should not be overly prominent. Its purpose is to complement rather than overpower, and when you see an ensemble that makes you think "nice try, but tone it down," it's because loud apparel has muted physical features. 

Choosing the Right Fabric For Your Pocket Square

Pocket Square for a Black Suit

When it comes to pocket squares, fabric is important. Silk, cotton, and linen are the most common materials for squares, but wool and polyester are other options.

Each cloth fabric has unique qualities, but your primary focus will be on texture. When deciding which pocket square fabric is best suited to your ensemble, you want to go for a planned contrast, just like with patterns and themes. 

You want to coordinate each item of your costume so that it looks well together, but it also needs to stand on its own.

If you're wearing a nice, smooth tie, opt for a rougher cotton or wool pocket square. If your tie is quite textured, go with a good silk square. The same goes with jackets and shirts. 

Pocket Square Edge Types

The edge of your pocket square is the most distinguishing feature of different pocket squares, both in terms of fabric and quality.

Depending on the fold, the edge is the most visible portion of your square, and low-quality edges fray quickly, rendering it unwearable.

There is an inherent distinction between edge styles based on the cloth you choose. Silk squares have supple, silky edges that are ideal for puff folds but make structured folds nearly impossible. 

In contrast, linen and cotton pocket squares have more stiff edges, making them ideal for structured folds.

However, regardless of fabric, there are several things you should know about edge quality to ensure that your new item does not unravel on its second outing.

Matching A Tie and Pocket Square 

Pocket Square for a Black Suit

Ties allow people to express themselves without violating traditional clothing requirements in the workplace or at social gatherings. If you buy a quality handcrafted tie to go with your square pocket squares, you'll get years of use out of it.

When choosing a tie, the primary things to consider are the color and pattern that match your shirt, jacket, and any other accessories like a pocket square, as well as the textures. 

The Bottom Line

A nice pocket square can pull your entire appearance together. I hope this article helped you in finding the ideal one or your black suit.  

Understanding the balance of color, fabric, and texture is how you can choose the ideal pocket square for black suit. 

By carefully considering these factors, your pocket square will complement your clothing without overpowering it.